Linda’s curiosity to learn about and understand people has resulted in a fulfilling career with never a dull moment. She’s worked with clients in Canada, the US and Asia on consumer insights, product innovations, team development, and corporate strategies.

Curious by nature, Linda got paid to be nosy uncovering stories as a TV Researcher at Channel NewsAsia across a variety of social and business issues. Her interest in people from all walks of life led her to Nielsen where she managed Fortune 100 clients’ consumer, product, and brand insights programs. Riding the wave of what makes people tick, Linda was intrigued by the often-regarded taboo topic of money. She explored gaming behaviour as Team Leader, Research at the BC Lottery Corporation before delving into consumer finance as Director, Research and Products at Coast Capital Savings.

“…the most rewarding work has been seeing – firsthand – the power of people coming together to find common ground, generate ideas, and build real business solutions and outcomes.”

While her career has allowed Linda to connect the dots of consumer behaviour to design products and corporate strategies, the most rewarding work has been seeing – firsthand – the power of people coming together to find common ground, generate ideas, and build real business solutions and outcomes. Her pursuit to create meaningful outcomes through diverse perspectives compelled Linda to launch Ponderpickle in 2014.

Linda draws upon her extensive experiences to help companies achieve their organizational goals through customized advisory services, facilitation, and training. She has also written publications on a variety of business topics and speaks at industry conferences on data, innovation, and organizational culture.

Linda actively volunteers her time to provide strategic direction and event design for a community of practice for data professionals as well as volunteers at a local hospice – environments where she actively pursues deep listening and supportive connections.

A selection of clients Linda has consulted with include:

Customer Strategy Development
Customer Segmentation Research and Analysis
Viewership Strategic Planning
Customer Research; Strategic Planning
Customer Segmentation Research
Customer Satisfaction Research
Customer User Research
Donor Segmentation
Product Portfolio Analysis
Product Testing
Insights Publications & Innovation Advisory
Product Innovation Workshops